Faronics Insight versions

Establishes a communication network for classroom lessons
Jul 13, 2021
Feb 24, 2022
Feb 8, 2017
Aug 27, 2014
Aug 15, 2012
Dec 14, 2011
Jul 2, 2018
Jan 12, 2010

What's new

v8.0 [Feb 8, 2017]
- Up to 8x faster screen sharing.
- 50% less bandwidth used for student thumbnails.
- Remote Control using similar performance results.
- Battery and Power Status information in the Teachers Console.
- Ability to select random Insight Student.
- Enhanced security with Password Secure mode.
- e-Safety with banned words\keystroke alerts.
- Snapshot students on banned word events.
- Centralized management with brand new Report Server.
- Record and analyze technology utilization with reports such as website visits or application usage by a student or computer.

v7.6 [Dec 14, 2011]
Support for NComputing M300 thin clients.
Corrected occurrences of a sticky mouse and keyboard. Mouse and keyboard movement would appear to hang for a second or two and then catch up.
Resolved situation where screen data was off by a tile or two.
Fixed case when students sometimes don’t display results and the Teacher doesn’t gets an indication that they’re done, when “Show Test Score to students” is selected.
Correct cases where Show Teacher screen is showing up as a Windowed screen with Full screen option set.
Fixed situations where the view keeps scrolling to top or bottom after refreshing a PC or Mac Console with many Thumbnails.
Fixed situations where the Mac Teacher view scrolls to the top after refreshing the details view.
Added Linux student machine names so they show up when creating class lists.
Fixed Updating a Student from a loaded Class List updates Student’s base channel.
Corrected issue where web limiting stops working when using an empty “Allowed Sites” list.
Resolved case in which Mac Teacher would fails to apply Limiting button states from a Default Profile.
Fixed some situations where students stop responding to all network traffic.
Corrected problem where a Web Limited XP Student could block Control Panel and Recycle Bin.
Fixed the “Get Info” dialog to be properly displayed on a Mac OS X 10.5 Teacher.
Resolved issue where a Mac Teacher Details View truncated student question by one character.
Fixed bug where Student waking up from Standby was not picked up by a Teacher without a manual refresh.
Resolved issues where students were circumventing blank screen using certain key combinations.
Resolved issues where students were avoiding Web Limiting under some situations.
Resolved situations where some AD secured students appear as “Security Locked Out”.
Fixed the PC Install to not apply selected Security Settings unless “Enable a security mode” box is checked.
Fixed PC Teacher Keystroke History initial view of all keystrokes based on the selected option.
Added correct RC option enablement for Students who are already being Remote Controlled.
Enabled the “Run” tool bar button in the WMS 2011 plug-in.
Corrected situations where WMS students fail to blank screen with there is a wireless student on the same channel.
Corrected situations where Teachers console was crashing when loading dynamic class list.
Resolved occurrences of student and teacher .dmp crashes.
Fixed situation where class list is loaded and muted students speakers unmute.
Resolved issues with VMware View over RDP.
Corrected situation where PC students regain control of keyboard and mouse intermittently while being multiple remote controlled by a Mac Teacher.
Improved display issues of the Show Teacher feature when showing Teachers of certain resolutions to Mac Students.
Fixed situation where Mac keystroke history shows some un-displayable keystrokes.
Improved error checking for tool bar buttons and profile loading.
Remove the ability for the Mac teacher install to be set to channel 0.
Improved support for “show teacher” across wireless environments with Mac Teacher and Mac students when sending custom cursors.
Resolved situations where remote control and show student does not show mouse movement by student.
Fixed problem where extra characters were being added to questions from Students.
Resolved Linux Student issue where blank screen messages that were changed while blanking would not display to the Student.
1114, Resolved an issue where an error occurred when attempting to Open Student Folder on Linux Student.
1118, Resolved an issue where the Student folder on Linux was named Faronics Files when it should be named Insight Files.

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